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Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

Australian Government Organisations Register

This section provides information on the function, composition, origins and other details of Australian Government bodies.

The bodies covered are described in the scope of bodies reported. The scope is based on the characteristics used to describe the 13 main types of bodies identified for classification purposes. Portfolio departments are responsible for collecting and maintaining information about the entities and bodies listed.

Quarterly Report

The dataset is updated continuously and the following statistics reflect the dataset as at 31 December 2024, the statistics are updated on a quarterly basis.

The total number of bodies reported on the Register as at 31 December 2024 is 1,322 bodies.

10 bodies have been removed from the Register and 17 bodies added to the Register since the last update as at 30 September 2024.

The AGOR Dashboard and the Register of Movements provide a summary of new and/or ceased bodies.

Access to further documentation

Find more information, including a spreadsheet of bodies and the guide to the register's fields on the Department of Finance website.

Find, access and reuse public data

Download datasets relating to the register from the website.

List of Australian Government bodies by portfolio and type