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Tourism Visa Advisory Group

Home Affairs
The Tourism Visa Advisory Group (TVAG) was established in 2002 and is a key consultative mechanism for communication between the Department of Home Affairs and key tourism stakeholders, including other Australian Government agencies, states and territories and key tourism peak bodies. The Department shares information on visa initiatives, seeks feedback and input on performance and policy developments and discusses emerging issues. As it is not a formal decision making body it operates under a Statement of Intent, rather than terms of reference. Travel of TVAG participants is the responsibility of their organisation and not funded by the department. Statement of Intent: TVAG aims to provide a forum for participants to discuss: - matters relating to tourist visas and broader immigration and tourism policy - emerging issues and trends in the tourism market - developments in tourism and immigration policy and operational initiatives

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under

    Principal Body / Management Board / Senior Executive Officer

  • Paid Members?


  • Max No. of Board/Committee Members


  • Annual Report Prepared and tabled?

    No, but noted in parent's annual report

  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Creation Date

  • Postal Address

    5 Chan Street
    Belconnen ACT 2617

Last updated: