The Independent Science Panel is a working group of the Reef 2050 Plan Independent Expert Panel focussing on reef water quality. It provides independent scientific and technical advice on Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan science needs. It has a skills-based membership of up to nine members, including an independent chair, with expertise in the following areas: soil, agronomic and landscape processes, marine and freshwater biochemistry, ecology and modelling, resource management, water quality and ecosystem health target-setting and monitoring: information integration, synthesis, reporting and communication, social and economic methodologies, statistics and analysis, coastal ecosystems and ecotoxicology. Secretariat is within the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.
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Type of Body
J. Inter-jurisdictional and international bodies
Established By / Under
Committee, Council, Board, Forum
Established By/Under More info
The Great Barrier Reef Ministerial Forum and he Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan
D. Other governance relationship
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