The Submarine Advisory Committee (SAC) provides independent critical peer review of the current and projected submarine capability to validate existing plans and actions to Defence, and this advice enables early identification of areas of weakness. The Committees review of submarine matters will ensure that plans and decisions in this area are critically reviewed by personnel with submarine experience. The Committee is empowered to review within their agreed Terms of Reference, the totality of the submarine capability, including acquisition, capability, workforce (Navy, APS, and industry), and classified submarine operations. The SAC Members are appointed jointly by the Ministers for Defence and Defence Industry, and report to the Secretary of Defence and Chief of Defence Force.
Further information
Type of Body
F. Non-statutory advisory structure
Established By / Under
Paid Members?
Max No. of Board/Committee Members
Annual Report Prepared and tabled?
C. Secondary non-statutory structure
Function Categorization
Advisory Board
Creation Date
Current board appointments
Last updated: