DVA is administered by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs. The Secretary reports to, and is answerable to the Minister for the operations, performance and any decisions that are made relating to the operations of the Department. The Secretary leads DVA employees to fulfil the purpose of the Department to support those who serve or have served in defence of our nation, and their families and commemorate their service and sacrifice. The Secretary of DVA is appointed by the Governor-General to the position of President of the Repatriation Commission and a part-time member and Chair of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (MRCC) (ex-officio member). As President of the Repatriation Commission, Ms Frame with the other members of the Commission, is responsible for the general administration of the VEA. As Chair of the MRCC, she jointly makes decisions with the other members of the MRCC to administer the MRCA and DRCA. The Secretary is also Chair of the Department’s Executive Management Board (EMB), and is responsible for providing direction on business and strategic direction taking into consideration decisions made by Commissions. This function is to assess the performance and conformance of business against Portfolio Budget Statement outcomes.


Key People

Further information

  • Postal Address

    GPO Box 9998 Brisbane QLD 4001

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