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Trusted Information Sharing Network for Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Home Affairs
The Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) for Critical Infrastructure Resilience is a set of bodies of industry and government representatives that meet to share information on issues relevant to the resilience of our critical infrastructure and the continuity of essential services in the face of all hazards. The activities of the TISN are driven by critical infrastructure owners and operators from seven Sector Groups. In addition, one Expert Advisory Group, and one Community of Interest provide advice on broad aspects of critical infrastructure requiring expert knowledge. The TISN is supported by the Attorney-General's Department and relevant Australian Government line agencies. Members of the TISN include owners and operators of critical infrastructure; and representatives from Australian, State and Territory government agencies, and peak national bodies. The Critical Infrastructure Advisory Council (CIAC) oversees the operation of the TISN and advises the Attorney-General on the national approach for a resilient critical infrastructure. CIAC is chaired by AGD. Its members include TISN group chairs, State and Territory officials, relevant Australian Government agencies, and the ANZCTC.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under


  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Creation Date

Last updated: