Gene Technology Standing Committee

Health and Aged Care
Membership of the Gene Technology Standing Committee (GTSC) reflects the membership of the Gene Technology Ministers' Meeting (GTMM), and consists of a senior official from each jurisdiction (including the Commonwealth Government) who shall provide that jurisdiction's views as a whole on the matters considered by the GTSC. The Gene Technology Regulator is not a member of the GTSC, but attends as a participant. The GTSC provides high-level support to the GTMM, is responsible for coordinating policy advice to the GTMM, and for promoting a consultative national approach to gene technology (as defined in the Gene Technology Act 2000) policy development and implementation. It also supports the GTMM in developing and issuing policy principles, policy guidelines, and codes of practice as defined in the GT Act. The terms of reference of the GTSC are: a. to provide policy advice to Ministers who are members of the GTMM on matters relating to gene technology that are within the scope of the national cooperative regulatory scheme for gene technology; b. to support the GTMM in developing and issuing: policy principles policy guidelines; and codes of practice as defined in the Act; c. to provide effective support to the GTMM and to facilitate implementation of its decisions; d. to support the GTMM in ensuring coordination between all jurisdictions on matters relating to gene technology that are within the scope of the national cooperative regulatory scheme for gene technology; e. to promote a consultative and cooperative national approach to gene technology policy development and implementation; f. to consider matters referred by the GTMM, the Regulator/Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), or the States/Territories; g. to support the GTMM in fulfilling its functions; h. to provide advice to the GTMM regarding the development (under the national scheme) by the Regulator of: regulations; technical or procedural guidelines; and codes of practice; and i .to consider matters referred by the Regulator in relation to applications received by the Regulator under the national scheme for licences to deal with GMOs.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under

    Committee, Council, Board, Forum

  • Established By/Under More info


  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Creation Date

  • Postal Address

    Level 2, Gulgana Building, 27 Scherger Drive
    Fairbairn ACT 2600

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