Major Surface Combatants and Combat Systems

Ships Division was established in December 2015 combining the Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Program and Maritime Acquisition Branch (MAB). In 2016, the Defence White Paper set out Government's plan for the greatest recapitalisation of the Royal Australian Navy since the Second World War and made a commitment to build a sustainable naval shipbuilding capability in Australia. Ships Division has a major role in establishing that long-term naval shipbuilding enterprise. Over the next two decades, Ships Division will progress one of the most extensive and ambitious shipbuilding programs to modernise the Royal Australian Navy. This program will transform Australia’s naval shipbuilding industry, generate significant economic growth, create Australian jobs and assure the long-term sustainability of this key Australian industry. A strong, viable and sustainable Australian naval shipbuilding industry is a vital element of Australia’s Defence capability to manage Australians strategic challenges to 2035.


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