Land Division leads the impetus for innovation within Australian land force operations by providing science and technology advice about equipment, personnel and processes utilised by the land force. The division helps maintain the capability edge by developing advanced analysis and evaluation techniques, along with computer modelling tools and human factors principles, that enable a rigorous exploration of new system concepts, tactics, doctrines and technologies. The division applies this work in an operational context, at all levels of the Army from brigade/task force down to the individual soldier. Land Division’s research program supports the introduction of new technologies and systems to the land force, together with the associated changes to operational methods, doctrine, organisation, training and tactics. The division also plays a vital role in developing new technologies and capabilities, helping to define future needs, and evaluating the merits of systems and technologies which may be offered to meet those needs. Land Division works with Australian industry, through a range of agreements and forms of interaction, to develop industrial capacity in support of Defence requirements and to contribute to Australia’s national wealth.

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